Thursday, April 8, 2010

Photos from the last few weeks

April of course had to test out the crib

Jackson, love this little guy

23 weeks

21 weeks

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kicking and Screaming

Okay, the title sounds bad, but fortunately there hasn't been alot of screaming but there has been some kicking. Last night I felt the baby for the first time, (very cool). It's been awhile since we've written, here's an update, April is doing very well, we've been to the doctor again and everything has checked out well. April's baby bump is getting bigger, she is still doing very well with her weight, she wore a maturity shirt for the first time today, which I think is pretty impressive. Things have been pretty calm around the house, we have been busy with work and getting the babies room completed. I managed to get all the furniture put together, insert jokes here, it hasn't fallen apart yet so that is a plus. Also for those of you who haven't heard April's grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago, we are sad to see her go. I think we have narrowed down our choices for names unfortunately I can't give any hints. We are looking forward to heading down the home stretch only a few months left, we are starting to look for babysitters if anyone knows someone in the st peters area that is reliable and great with kids please let us know. That's all for now, we will post some pictures soon.