Thursday, February 4, 2010

14 week appointment

Well April had her 14 week appointment today and unfortunately we did not find out the sex. We were a bit disappointed but we did get to see some awesome pictures of the baby including the back bone and his/her hands near her head, (very cute). We and our doctor are very optimistic that our next appointment in 3 weeks will allow us to determine the sex. April is doing well and the baby appears healthy. The doctor asked us if we wanted to do a blood test for down's syndrome after discussing it I think we are going to op out of doing that. Our thought is even if the baby did have an issue there is really nothing we would be able to do and all it would do is stress us out and probably wouldn't be healthy for April or the baby. What does everyone think, I'm open to listening to anyone who thinks getting the blood test done is a good idea. We're starting to entertain the thought of looking at furniture for the babies room, We have ultrasound pictures that I will try and post soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi May Family! Just so you know I'm a blog stalker so when I saw your blog posted on Facebook I jumped in! My 2 cents on the genetic blood testing. We had it done with Claire. We decided that if there was a genetic issue, at least we had a few months to prepare ourselves for it instead of learning about it at birth. It was a very simple blood draw, and came out fine, no big deal. However, it was extremely expensive. I think it cost us over $500 out of pocket and insurance covered 80%. And my other concern was that they only tested my blood. Since the baby's blood will be 1/2 the fathers blood don't you think his blood should be tested too? I agree, that we were still going to have the baby regardless of the outcome of that test, but we decided to go for it for peace of mind. And now that I know I have a 1 in a katrillion chance of having a baby with downs syndrome, spina bifida, etc, I know not to have the test done with future kids. Just my thoughts!

